Beach Poems: 12/13
Nature, Beach

The Beach

© Amy R. Buzil

The Beach, the Ocean, the waves combine to form a perfect Summer Day

It's a day when the ocean waves whisper to the sun:
'Warm me up sunshine!'
And they try to throw their rays
right at me,
painting my white skin
into a golden tan.
The fingertip of the wind
brushs against my left cheek.
The clouds try hard not to move.
I see them
crawling inch by inch.
I Look down at my toes;
the hot pink nail polish;
sinks into the warm sand
the grains adjust to my movement.
I gaze out into the water
shining like cherry-flavored lip gloss
and diamonds held in a blue blanket.
I lean back into the pinkbluepurple of the wind,
where it leaves a colorful touch on my arm
and I feel as I could blow away
at any time..

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