© Pamela Parry-Jones
We are all young at heart and this explains
Why we prefer winter snow to summer rain
When the snow lies thickly carpeted on the ground
Everything has a silence, a silence all around
There are no birds that one can see
Huddled tightly together in the forks of the tree
The river flows serenely by, unperturbed by flurries of snowflakes
As they gently disappear into the waters depth and all it takes
Is a whisper of wind and a ray of sunlight
To turn our world into glistening, blazing white
There are exciting footprints to tell us
That we are not the only ones out in the chilly air
There’s a badgers foot, a squirrel’s paw, a fox’s trail fresh from his lair
A deer or two have ventured out onto the winter’s scene
Making tracks where they have been
A child at heart, every grown-up remembers the joy
When they were just a carefree girl or boy